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Got it!

Địa điểm

Tầng 12, Toà nhà HCMCC, 249A Thuỵ Khuê, Hà Nội

Thông tin công ty

Giới thiệu về công ty

When was the last time you felt “stuck” on something you couldn’t crack? Happens often, doesn’t it? But when you finally understood, by asking questions, working through a specific problem, getting a detailed explanation, you had an ‘aha’ moment, where you simply, got it. That’s a ‘micro learning’ breakthrough. This is what we've been working on: to enable ‘aha moments’ everywhere. By creating a service where everyone can have access to interactive learning through an instant messaging/chat session with an expert — where real connections and micro learning breakthroughs happen, on-demand. We have amazing traction, we are consistently a top 15 education app, doubling in volume every two months. Today we are matching hundreds of thousands of students with experts in sessions each month that produce real learning. Our knowledge base is also comprised of millions of problems, and we’re looking to grow to 10X, so we can build the largest bank of practice problems in the world. We are backed with great funding from the people who invested in world changing companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and PlanetLabs. We believe that building world changing products and services starts with world class people. We are looking to add amazing members to our small team of engineers, product managers, and execs from Google, Facebook, Lyft, and GREE. We’re a fun loving but passionate group that believes in changing the world for the better. We come to work every day excited to build products that help people learn, and we want to be huge. More about us here: and here:
